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Current Range: 25 / 48 / (2952203 - 2952254)

2952203. The Summary Of Concepts
The Summary Of Concepts. Just Before You Start . There are four (4) levels of platforms. In these concepts. Imagine that these are tables stacked on top of one another, from top to bottom. 1 The 1st level. Platform is this “Summary Of Concepts”. Which summarizes all the nine (9). 2 The 2nd level. Platform hosts and explains the individual concepts. In details - "Concepts Platform";. 3 The 3rd level. Platform hosts the song(s) that support the concepts - "Songs Platform". 4 The 4th level. Please enjoy you...
2952204. The Power Of Giving Concept (Music Only)
The Power Of Giving Concept (Music Only). 8220;The Power Of Giving” is a concept about caring and sharing. To make this more effective, I enhance this concept into a song because communication through words alone is not very effective. Music is a universal language which has no boundaries. Hence, putting words and music together will be more effective in connecting to people. How To Play Your Part? The Songs For Caring and Sharing Are As Follows . The Power Of Giving - Theme Song. Rich In Your Heart.
2952205. The Power Of Giving - Theme Song
The Power Of Giving - Theme Song. My main aim is to get people connected. We must all live peacefully and care endlessly for each other as human beings. Spread the art of caring and sharing to make this world a better and happier place to live in. The more you are willing to give, the more you will get replenish! Reach out and connect to as many people as you can. Start right now after listening to this song! This Is My Theme Song. From The Natural Catastrophes. To Our Man-Made Calamities. By Learning To...
2952206. Give Your Hearts (Full Song)
Give Your Hearts (Full Song). If you have a dollar that you can spare, just give it away and make someone who needs it most, happy. Spare a dollar if you can now. The dollar you that give, may come back with other dollars the next when you needed it most. Give Only If You Can. I am not asking you to give a million people a dollar each. Most people in this world will not be able to do so this way. That is a million bucks! All of us will grow old eventually one fine day! You Take It Out And Give It Away.
2952207. Rich In Your Heart (Full Song)
Rich In Your Heart (Full Song). Most people recognize the word “Rich” as in wealth, prosperity, assets, possessions, resources, fortune, materialism, affluence etc. My Definition Of Rich …. Rich in your heart is about being rich in your heart and soul. It is not about financial and material richness. When you are "Rich In Your Heart”, you will never die poor! A simple gesture of helping an old lady to cross the street shows that you are rich in your heart! We Live In This Crazy World. 8221; * *. I once t...
2952208. She Does It With Love (Full Song)
She Does It With Love (Full Song). Mother Teresa led the way helping people in need with her big heart and great love. Many others followed and are doing it successfully all over the world. I hope more people will commit themselves for a better world. As Mother Teresa quoted, "Do small things with great love". So start doing your part now! This Song Is Dedicated To All Those …. She Does It With Love. Right From Her Heart. Through The Message From Above. She Cares For The Sick. For Those In Need. Whoever ...
2952209. The House Of Care Concept (Music Only)
The House Of Care Concept (Music Only). The House Of Care Concept is about homes that take care of those in need eg orphanages, old folks home, cancer-care centres, rape-victims centres etc. The Birth Of This Concept. I wrote “She Does It With Love” after visiting some of these places. The first thing that sprang into my head was Mother Theresa. I have always admired her all my life! The Purpose Of This Concept. Let's Hear What She Does . She Does It With Love. Jingles Concept – Catchy Tunes. Friday, Aug...
2952210. The Lost Child (Full Song)
The Lost Child (Full Song). People get “emotionally lost” at one time or another through their lives. This does not only happen to children. It happens to adults too! So what are we going to do for ourselves and our children? At Times, We're As Helpless As Children Too! When you are down and need someone to hear you out. Imagine there is a breakdown in communication. You want people to hear you out. Yet your message could not get through. You Can feel My Presence. I’m Trapped Inside A Mould. You Gonna St...
2952211. Jingles Concept (Music Only)
Jingles Concept (Music Only). Jingles are good little catch tunes that attract people’s attention. The Purpose Of This Concept. This is a fun blog to catch the attention of kids and adults through these jingles. The first jingle is to encourage kids to keep their teeth health by brushing them. And the second one is about environment conservation. Let's Jingle To The Rhythm Of These Songs Below . Making Dreams Come True! The Power Of Giving Concept - Caring And Sharing. Jingles Concept – Catchy Tunes.
2952212. Peace & Anti-War Concept (Music Only)
Peace and Anti-War Concept (Music Only). Peace shall fall upon us when we join our hands together to end all the wars that are happening around us. For those who protest, you must protest hard. For those who pray, you must pray hard. We shall all get there in time to come! Make this world, "heaven on earth which is like heaven above”! The Purpose Of This Concept. Membership is ABSOLUTELY FREE throughout ALL our concepts! These Songs Are For You . The Power Of Giving Concept - Caring And Sharing.
2952213. Know Your Children Concept (Music Only)
Know Your Children Concept (Music Only). 8220;Do all of you really know your children? 8221; Just read on …. The Purpose Of This Concept. Most of us think that we know our children very well. As adults, we might have done whatever they are doing. And we thought, "we know you well enough! Let’s not talk about dealing with children only. We need to find out something from people regardless of age. Do you think you can get anything out of them, if they just shut themselves out? 8221; If your child seems to ...
2952214. Pour Your Heart Out Concept (Music Only)
Pour Your Heart Out Concept (Music Only). When people go through grievances and sadness, they retreat into their own sanctuary. They shut themselves off from the real world. They drift into their own world of sufferings, tortures, self-abuse etc… For those who are going through this, it is not the end of the world ……. The Purpose Of This Concept. This makes a lot of sense, right? They have learnt to overcome their traumas. They are in positions to help you out. Papa, Don’t You Try So Hard. Know Your Chil...
2952215. Papa, Don't You Try So Hard (Full Song)
Papa, Don't You Try So Hard (Full Song). Have you ever lost a loved one? Most people go through this sometime or another as they go through life. For the less fortunate, they lose their loved ones earlier than expected. The traumas they go through scar them for life! This Is A True Sad Story. Genuine kindhearted people, friends and relatives gave very generously while a certain faction of the population turned a deaf ear; and some “gave” but insisted that they appeared in the media. The dying boy found o...
2952216. Without A Word (Full Song)
Without A Word (Full Song). Everybody will face death sooner or later. When a person dies, the ideal situation is, in the bidding of the “Final Goodbye or Farewell” to all the loved ones and friends. No matter how rich or poor you are, no single person will be able to do so in this world. Deaths With No Goodbyes. 8220;Without A Word” is a song written about deaths with no goodbyes. Lots of people go through this sudden loss and are facing great difficulties overcoming this. You Left Me Without A Word.
2952217. The Tsunamis (Full Song)
The Tsunamis (Full Song). The Important question is …. 8220;Have You Done Your Part? They Swept Away Families. You And I Help Those Who Survived. We Shall Join Our Hands All Together. To Help To Save Their Lives. If We Keep On Doing This Forever. The Homeless Will See Some Light. The Hungry Will Survive * *. We Hear Them Cry. Please Don’t Let This All Pass By. Look At Them How Can They Survive? Have You Done Your Part? The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer. Come and share your experiences by joining us...
2952218. Our Dreams & Struggles Concept (Music Only)
Our Dreams and Struggles Concept (Music Only). Everyone has dreams. We must dream in order to visualize what we want. Some dreams are fulfilled while others are still in their sleeping modes. Make your dreams come true! While Struggling Through Our Dreams . The Purpose Of This Concept. Keep motivating yourselves and keep pushing forward, your dreams will finally be realized. People perform best in their hour of need and in desperation! Just ask around, and many will tell you that this is true.
2952219. The Paradise Of My Life (Full Song)
The Paradise Of My Life (Full Song). This is a song about achieving dreams through gathering experiences from our journey through life. When we make mistakes, we learn from them and keeping walking ahead. Have focus; commitment; pride; and courage in whatever you want to do. You will then find “The Paradise Of Your Life! Know Our Dreams And Pursue Them. If you did, I congratulate you. If you have not, I hope someday, someone will help you out. I Spend My Life As A Drifter. From The Places I Have Been.
2952220. On My Own (Full Song)
On My Own (Full Song). Keep On Soaring (Like An Eagle) . Defeat Makes You Stronger. While Failure Is A Lesson. Victory Makes You Wiser. Success Leads You In Front! When you get defeated, you have to bear all the consequences. Hence you get stronger and tougher. This failure is a lesson for you. You must not fall into the same hole again. When you start winning, you become wiser and smarter for more victories ahead! And finally, once you are successful, you are in front! So keep pursueing your dreams!
2952221. All About You (Full Song)
All About You (Full Song). Everywhere people talk about people. Gossiping comes very natural for lots of them without realizing it. It is part of their daily routine and inbuilt into their systems. They do not realize gossips (where most of the times are distorted facts) can hurt the victims. It is not easy to be on the taking side. Don’t Talk Too Much, Others Are Talking Too…. There Are People That I Know. They Come And They Go. Just To Call Out To Me, “Hello”. But Most Of Them Don’t Even Know. I Write ...
2952222. Relationships Concept (Music Only)
Relationships Concept (Music Only). Relationship is one of the biggest problems facing people in the world. The most common cause of a bad relationship is communication breakdown. So share your thoughts and start communicating with people and get the best out of this. The Purpose Of This Concept. For the fortunate ones, you are invited to motivate and bring life back to the less fortunate. So start contributing your little part and make someone happy today. Show that you want to share and care fo...Hot G...
2952223. When I Needed You (Full Song)
When I Needed You (Full Song). People get totally lost when they end up in bad relationships. They resort to all sorts of negative thinking. They will retreat into their own world where everything seems to be tumbling and crushing down on them. For the weak, they try to find the easy way out ie to kill themselves. This is the silliest thing to do. Life is great. Live life to the greatest you can! You do not have to die. Just read on …. When Something Ends, Some Other Thing Will Start Again …. And If Only...
2952224. Only Love Heals (Full Song)
Only Love Heals (Full Song). Everyone falls in love. For the fortunate ones, it ends up good in fairy tale weddings. We hope that this will last forever. While for the less fortunate ones, it ends up with broken hearts. But this is not the end of the world ……. Love Tears You Apart. But It Is Also Love …. No doubt, love breaks your heart. Do you know that it is “also and only love” that can heal your broken heart? Baby, Don’t Look So Sad. Dry Away Your Tears. Things Ain’t That Bad. Leave Behind Those Years.
2952225. My Only Friend (Full Song)
My Only Friend (Full Song). This is about relationships that turn sour. Naturally, there are lots of sadness, loneliness and grieve etc. Not all of us are lucky in this game of love. When a relationship breaks up, it is not the end of the world. If you believe in yourself, a new love will come back into your life and add more colors to it. Be patient and have perseverance! How Many Friends Do You Have? Hopefully we can make more friends here so we do not need the company of our teardrops anymore! No matt...
2952226. Hot Gossips Concept (Music Only)
Hot Gossips Concept (Music Only). It is both interesting and at the same time, sad to hear gossips about people. It is true in most cases, gossips are distorted facts and it hurt the people on the receiving end. However, let’s turn things around and by looking at this on the positive side. The Purpose Of This Concept. I Wrote This Song About A Gossipper. The Power Of Giving Concept - Caring And Sharing. Pour Your Heart Out Concept - Solving Our Grievances. Relationships Concept - Sharing Our Experiences.
2952227. Tooth Brush Song (Full Song)
Tooth Brush Song (Full Song). This is just a nice and catchy tune to cheer up the little ones. The idea is to get them into tempo so that they can keep their teeth clean. Most kids do not like to brush their teeth. I suppose this is a good way to get them in tune with your personal hygiene requirements for them. I Take My Tooth Brush. And Start To Clean My Teeth. I Take My Tooth Brush. And Start To Clean My Teeth. I Take My Tooth Brush. And Start To Clean My Teeth. When I Awake And Before I Go To Sleep.
2952228. Heaven On Earth (Full Song)
Heaven On Earth (Full Song). Where Do We Want To Go Finally? Heaven is where everyone chooses to be finally! Why wait for that time to come? Make this world, “Heaven On Earth” and live in it now. Then, when the time finally comes, we can also enjoy going to “Heaven Above”. Isn’t it beautiful to have the best of two places? Disclaimer : This song is written with no intention to touch on any religious matters of any religion. The expressions above are for the purpose of this song only). In this song, I hav...
2952229. Wings Of Peace (Full Song)
Wings Of Peace (Full Song). We Already Had Two World Wars …. There is no need for a Third World War! There is no doubt that the world progressed after the two world wars. But we do not need anymore wars to progress further. We are already intelligent enough to progress without using wars as excuses. We have all the technologies and know-how to make this world, heaven on earth! So stop supporting wars! Make this a caring and sharing world! We All Can See. Streaks Of Lightning Across The Sky. The eagle bei...
2952230. Making Dreams Come True! (Full Song)
Making Dreams Come True! This is a company jingle that I wrote about saving our environment. For centuries, we have been clearing the forests. I wish to inform people that we must not overlook this issue. In the name of development, we cannot sacrifice our environment totally. If we do not put proper controls to this, we will destroy our beautiful Earth eventually. We Love The Environment. Let’s Preserve It. Deannezer Is ……. 8220;Making Dreams Come True! When Your Land Is Bare. Let Us Be There! Awesome I...
2952231. FREE Memberships - Main Control
FREE Memberships - Main Control. Summary Of FREE Membership Enrolments. FREE Memberships – "The Power Of Giving Concept". FREE Memberships - "Pour Your Heart Out Concept". FREE Memberships – "The House Of Care Concept". FREE Memberships - "Religion Concept". FREE Memberships – "Know Your Children Children". FREE Memberships – "Relationships Concept". FREE Memberships - "Our Dreams and Struggles Concept". FREE Memberships – "Peace and Anti-War Concept". FREE Memberships – "Hot Gossips Concept".
2952232. FREE Memberships - The Power Of Giving Concept
FREE Memberships - The Power Of Giving Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. Every time as I held their hands to cross the streets, these blind people were so thankful and kept saying, e...
2952233. FREE Memberships - Pour Your Heart Out Concept
FREE Memberships - Pour Your Heart Out Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. We are here to connect to people to get things done! Posted by Richard HF LEE. Friday, August 14, 2009. We sh...
2952234. FREE Memberships - Our Dreams & Struggles Concept
FREE Memberships - Our Dreams and Struggles Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. This is a common story. Of course, the company paid for his “family” lunch. Posted by Richard HF LEE.
2952235. FREE Memberships - Relationships Concept
FREE Memberships - Relationships Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. This is one of the biggest problem areas in the world! Posted by Richard HF LEE. Friday, August 14, 2009. To play y...
2952236. FREE Memberships - Hot Gossips Concept
FREE Memberships - Hot Gossips Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. Can you imagine all these? You can also post something simple like this…. “My neighbor keeps blaming ...Posted by Ric...
2952237. FREE Memberships - Religion Concept
FREE Memberships - Religion Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. When do we turn to God? And your problems are gone! Posted by Richard HF LEE. Friday, August 14, 2009. We shall then &#8...
2952238. FREE Memberships - Know Your Children Concept
FREE Memberships - Know Your Children Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. 8221; My sister replied, “Don’t be silly! 8221; The boy just kept quiet. That is Uncle’s skirt! We shall then ...
2952239. FREE Memberships - Peace & Anti-War Concept
FREE Memberships - Peace and Anti-War Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. I only read about wars in the media. Thank God I have not experienced war. Posted by Richard HF LEE. To play y...
2952240. FREE Memberships - Jingles Concept
FREE Memberships - Jingles Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. Some of you may want to post your stories about not knowing how to handle your little kids properly. To play your part as...
2952241. FREE Memberships - The House Of Care Concept
FREE Memberships - The House Of Care Concept. Thank you very much for expressing your interests in our concepts. Everyone is welcome as our members. Memberships are ABSOLUTELY FREE. In order to maintain the quality of our concepts, we wish to have a team of committed, dedicated and loyal members. Let’s do this together today, for a better tomorrow. Friday, August 14, 2009. Let Me Start First …. 8221; And he replied, “Yes”. Posted by Richard HF LEE. Friday, August 14, 2009. Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).
2952242. LifeCareSaude | Just another WordPress site
November 29, 2014. Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Just another WordPress site. Proudly powered by WordPress.
2952243. Life care scan and research center, medical diagnosis services, MRI,CT,lab tests in Durg, Chhattisgarh, India
Life Care Essential Package. Life Care Critical Packages. 360 Degree Well Being. Life Care Scan and Research Centre is located at Om Parisar, Arya Nagar, Durg is the first one in this locality to get certified by ISO 9001:2008. For its quality care and approved by A.E.R.B. (Govt. of India). The Centre has a wide range of advanced diagnostic services to offer such as all types of MRI,. The word team although derived from Indo-European origin, which literally means "pulling together".
2952244. Life Care, LLC - Home
Life Care, LLC., approved by the Department of Health and Hospitals and the Louisiana Board of Regents, is a specialty school providing instruction and training required to become a Certified Nurse Assistant. At Life Care you can expect:. CAREER FOR A LIFETIME. Begin your career in the health care field! Click the icon below to request additional information. Or schedule an appointment. Be sure to FOLLOW US:. Web Hosting by Yahoo!
2952245. Sanitätsdienst Mögel
Es gibt die verschiedensten Veranstaltungen und. Ouml;rtlichkeiten, die eine entsprechende medizinische. Betreuung – einen Sanitätsdienst – benötigen. Musikalische Großveranstaltungen im Freien oder. Individuelle Events im feierlichen Rahmen stellen. Unterschiedliche Anforderungen an Anzahl und. Auftreten des medizinischen Personals. Sanitätsdienst Mögel verfügt über hochqualifizierte. Und zuverlässige Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,. Modernste medizinische Ausrüstung, sowie einen.
2952246. Life Care Services | Senior Living Communities
Life Care Services Senior Living Communities. Welcome to Life Care Services. Together, we’re greater. If you’re considering a senior living community, you’ve come to the right place. Life Care Services, An LCS. Company, manages and supports a variety of senior living communities nationwide, ranging from continuing care retirement communities to rental communities. In fact, we serve more than 33,000 older adults who live in communities we manage. New communities managed by Life Care Services:.
2952247. Infinity Life Planners: Total Insurance Solutions
Most popular LIC Plans. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation.
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2952249. CCRC Management | Senior Living Management Company | Retirement Community | Life Care Services
Committed to excellence in senior living service and hospitality. Senior living programs and services that foster contentment—and occupancy. Pioneering tools and solutions for effective, efficient retirement community management. Helping Your Community Thrive. Spotlight on the Midwest. If you want the security of LifeCare. Benefits of this unique, sophisticated community. Only Trillium Woods will allow you to plan for the unexpected while enjoying a lifestyle that exceeds your expectations. This ...Reall...
2952250. Life Care Services MD
Caring, Compassionate And Trusted. Providing Care You Can Trust. Life Care Plus Services, LLC. Life Care Plus Services. Is a home care agency devoted to providing the highest quality of care to seniors and people with disabilities in the comfort and safety of their homes. We work hard to pursue a reputation for excellence and quality services.We are your connection to the best one-on-one care. 6475 New Hampshire Avenue. Hyattsville, MD 20783. Most Counties in Maryland &.
2952251. My Site
This is my site description. A website created by GoDaddy’s Website Builder.
2952252. Life Care
Ask for a Catalogue. Replace and repair exchange. EGYMEDICA 2013 11 May 2013. Date: 23 - 26 January 2012 Location: Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. To our country, to the entire world and to the future, we founded lifeCare Surgical. Starting from where others ended, adding the value of 20 years experience in the field of instrumentation. Offering products with the best quality that appreciate health care and doctors needs. Replace and repair exchange. Ask for a Catalogue.
2952253. Ponder: The Socratic Way - The Nursing Critical Thinking Game by LifeCareSim
About LifeCareSim critical thinking is our game! About Ponder: The Socratic Way. News & Press. Tutorials and Frequently Asked Questions. Ponder: The Socratic Way. The Nursing Critical Thinking Game by LifeCareSim. 0 items - $. Hands-on role-playing curriculum builder, featuring audio and visual components. Ponder: The Socratic Way. Stimulates critical thinking while appealing to all types of learners. Offers Truly Teachable Moments. Plays well with others. July 21, 2017. April 25, 2015. February 20, 2014.
2952254. My Web Application - Site
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Dadra and Nagar Haveli.